Pregnancy - hepatitis B
Q: During pregnancy my wife was tested positive for australia antigen (hepatitis B). She was again tested at the time of delivery and found positive. The newly born baby was given vaccination and immunoglobin. My qustion is
1)what additonal precaution is to be taken for baby?
2) what teatment should be given to my wife as she has tested positive for hepatitis B twice?
A:The first thing you have to do is to test for your own HBsAg. If negative, you should receive the vaccine against hepatitis B. Your doctor will guide you about it. When the baby is born, the baby should also receive the first dose of vaccine within 24 hour of birth and thereafter at 1 month and 6 month. Is this the first child? If not all children need to be similarly tested.
Regarding your wife, she should have liver functions, namely SGPT testing of the blood every two week for three turns. If it is normal nothing needs to be done right now. More investigations may be done after delivery. If high, your doctor will have to guide you about what further is to be done.
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