Pain in the calf muscles and knee cap
Q: My wife and I are on a vacation. She is 53 years and takes tabs Nimesulide 100 mg and Toxeptin 150 mg twice a day one tab each whenever she gets pain in the leg (calf muscle and knee cap side), of course on drs prescription. Now she is having pain and these tablets are not available here. Could you kindly suggest some medicine for her until we go back to India. I am submitting the following personal information of her for your information.
A:Procuring any prescription drug in the United States without locally registered doctors prescription is very difficult or rather impossible. If you are returning to India in the next few days, then you can do with an OTC (over the counter non-prescription) pain killer like ibuprofen (sold in USA under trade names: Excedrin, Menadol, Rufen). If the relief is not adequate, you can add aspirin. In the meantime, you can get Nimulid 100mg two or three strips from India airmailed to you in an envelope. It will reach within 4-5 days depending on your location. We could not trace Toxeptin brand on our system. If you let us know the name of the Company and its ingredients, we will be happy to be of help.