Neurology - brain stroke
Q: My mother suffered from paralysis stroke on 23-4-2002 which affected a part of left side of the brain. The CT scan shows a fluid clot. She is recovering & now able to walk few steps but she cannot get up herself & requires help. Kindly advise whether she can walk normally in future & how much time it will take.
A:Since the scan showed a liquid clot you should ask your doctor whether it can be drained by an operation. Removal of the clot may help by relieving the surrounding compressed brain tissue of pressure. This, in turn, may facilitate recovery.
Recovery of function after bleeding into the substance of the brain depends on the extent of permanent damage caused to brain tissue by the clot. Permanently damaged brain will not recover. Such damage may result in a physical or intellectual handicap. This handicap can be reduced by retraining of the affected faculties.
It is difficult to predict the time taken to recover. In general, swelling around the damaged brain resolves within 3-6 weeks. Once can expect slow recovery from then onwards.