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Is there any solution for bed sores?

Q: I am prescribed this ointment Placentrex gel for treating my bed sores. Bedsore is almost 5 x3 x2. It was almost 80% covered with necrotic tissue which was removed today, which came off very easily by pulling. This ointment is made by Albert david. Extract of 0.1 gm of human placenta per 1 gm of gel. Is there any other solution for bed sores?

A:More recently the use of human placenta extract (sold as Placentrex in India) has been banned in the United States (in April 2008) since it can pose serious health hazards. It has no scientifically proven role in the treatment of bed sores. Bed sores only need regular cleaning and dressing and resolve on their own. Despite the ban in the United States, the product is being promoted in India for a variety of unrelated disorders such as female infertility, vitiligo (white skin patches), scarring, acne etc.


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