Is surgery required for correcting alternating exotropia?
Q: A seven-year-old kid is suffering from alternating exotropia at distance and near with degree of deviation about 30 degree. His spectacle correction is plano for both eyes and vision is 6/6 for both eyes. What is the best treatment for him? Will surgery help him? Will he get diplopia after this? Is it possible for him to get stereoscopic vision?
A:The best course of action for this child is to have a surgical correction as soon as possible, not just for cosmetic reason but also for visual function. If you have an orthoptist available in the institution, he / she will be able to predict whether or not diplopia will occur, and up to what level of correction. Outcome should be 100% and also psychological ill effects on the child would be minimal. As soon as the operation is performed, you should start to improve on stereoscopic vision as well. There is absolutely no reason to wear plano glasses.
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