Is my son's nystagmus curable?
Q: My 5 years old son is having a problem of nystagmus since birth. We have recently consulted an ophthalmologist and he said that it is a case of retinal degeneration. His far vision is 6/24 and there was no improvement after using spectacles. He has no problem in his near vision. Is there a possibility of progressive loss in vision or will it remain stable? Is there any treatment available to treat this condition?
A:Nystagmus can be central or ocular in origin, which means it could have originated from brain or from eyes. As he has retinal degeneration, it could be the second reason. Being married within the relation could be another reason. Ask your son to wear glasses regularly. Sometimes, it improves with time. It is unlikely to worsen. The vision depends upon whether the degeneration is going to worsen or not. Ask your doctor if there is a null point, and if it is present, it can be improved by surgery.
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