Is it safe to take eye drops during pregnancy?
Q: I am a 7 weeks pregnant, 39 years old woman having infection in the corner of the right eye with redness and little discomfort. The doctor recommended using Cellfluid (Allergan) and Vexol (Alcon) in both the eyes twice a day. Is there any risk to my pregnancy due to the use of these medicines? I came to know that Vexol contains the active ingredient remexolon, which is classified as corticosteroids and should not be used in large dose. Please suggest.
A:If it is just slight redness and no significant discomfort, I would recommend you not to use any thing in the eye. Moreover, what has caused the redness and how long has it lasted has not been mentioned. Any medication at this stage of pregnancy cannot be guaranteed to be safe. Quite a few conditions like episcleritis would be self-limiting and would not cause harm even if you do not treat it. Some viral infections like herpes can cause scarring and effect on your vision. It is therefore very important to find the cause of this redness. Steroids and antibiotics will cause harm on prolonged use.
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