Is it safe to carry a pregnancy three months after delivery?
Q: My wife gave birth to a baby by caesarean. After three months of delivery she is again pregnant. Is it safe to continue the pregnancy, and if yes, what precautions should be taken? Is it safe for abortion after two month of pregnancy?
A:If the surgery (caesarian section) has been done properly and the post-operative period was normal (there was no gross infection and complications like excessive bleeding and fever etc.) there should be no problem in carrying on with the pregnancy. Most of the healing on the uterine scar occurs within the first three months. The complications that may occur following a caesarian section would be the same if the pregnancy would have occurred months or years later. Irrespective of the interval between the pregnancy and the caesarian, the precautions are the same as would be necessary if she had become pregnant later. The only precaution is that the next delivery / repeat section or any subsequent abortions should be planned under expert medical care and in a large hospital/centre. The short interval of three months in between pregnancies is not very important. Similarly, if for some reason you need to abort, it can be managed under expert supervision both medically or surgically. There is nothing in medicine that is 100% safe! so indeed there are risks of both a pregnancy and delivery after a caesarian section. Abortions done either medically or surgically also have a risk involved during the termination of pregnancy but these risks are more or less the same, whether it happens in a pregnancy which is now or one which may happen much later (when the interval between caesarean and abortion / delivery is longer ) so you need not worry on that account. You should not decide to (or not to) abort on that account either.
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