Is it dangerous to deliver the baby in the 8th month?
Q: I am 30 years old and in my 8th month of pregnancy. In the first week of the 8th month, the doctor did a scan and told me that the baby is very low and his head is almost down. He advised bed rest and not to move till I finish the 8th month. Is it dangerous to deliver the baby in the 8th month? Will resting all the time without moving help me finish my 8 months without delivering?
A:It is best if the baby delivers at term (37 completed weeks of pregnancy). If the baby is born at end of 8th month it is not very bad - because you will be 35 weeks by then. However, a pre term baby has to face many problems - breathing & feeding problems, problem in maintaining temperature and as all the organs are not fully developed, other problems like jaundice after birth, bleeding into brain etc. If your doctor has advised rest - I agree with her. Bed rest does help in prolonging pregnancy. It is best to have the baby deliver as close to term, and preferably at term.

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