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How many types of Lasik surgeries are available?
Q: I am a 25 years old man having myopia. My eye power is -3.5 dioptres in both the eyes. I am planning to go for Lasik surgery and consulted a doctor. He suggested for I-Lasik. How many types of Lasik surgery are there?
A:There are about 8-10 Lasik manufacturers and all of them have a different trade name for their procedures. Lasik can broadly be classified based on the type of flap made or on the type of ablation done by the laser. Based on the flap Lasik can be:
- Lasik with Blade - keratome
- Lasik with Femtosecond laser Ilasik (100% blade free)
- Epilasik
- Standard lasik - correction based on Spectacle power only.
- Wavefront Guided Lasik by using an abberometer.
- Wavefront optimized Lasik.
- Topography guided Lasik.
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