How long will my mother with advanced Glioma live?
Q: Last year my mother, 55 years old, was found to be suffering from grade 4 Glioma. An operation was done to remove the tumour followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Now, a CT scan was done and the following was found: a large area of diffuse hypodensity seen in left parieto-occipital region involving predominantly white matter suggestive of oedema. The corpus callosum and right peritrigonal white matter shows uniform hypodensity suggestive of oedema. Mild shift of the midline to right noted and left parietal bone osteotomy defect noted. Her platelet count is 3,86,000/cmm. The doctor has said that there is no more that can be done to save or control glioma. I want to find out more on the treatment modalities? How many months will she live?
A:At the outset, I would like to share with you that grade 4 Glioma is a highly malignant tumour and the long term survival with use of all treatment modalities still remains very guarded. The prognosis however depends on completeness of treatment and the initial response to treatment. The response in each individual is variable and it is never possible to put down a time frame for response or recurrence and least of all for length of remaining life.