How long should I wait to conceive after taking an MMR shot?
Q: I received vaccinations for MMR and Hepatitis B 4 weeks ago. Shortly after receiving the shot, my gynaecologist told me that I should have my children soon, because I am developing cervical cancer and they want to do an evasive procedure. I was going to wait for 8 weeks before getting pregnant. But due to this I will be able to wait only for 6 weeks before trying. Will the baby be OK in spite of me receiving the MMR shot 6 weeks ago? I have heard that one should wait at least for 3 months before conceiving. Should I get my titre drawn to see my level? Will my child suffer from autism due to the MMR shot taken by me? Please advise.
A:It would be desirable to wait for 3 months. No, your child will NOT be predisposed to develop autism because you received the vaccination.