How effective is Acetec 25 for the treatment of psoriasis?
Q: I am a 39 years old female. I have been prescribed Acetec 25 for the treatment of psoriasis. How effective is that?
A:Acetec (acitretin) is indicated in only severe, extensive, intractable and refractory cases of psoriasis not responding to other therapies. Babies born to women who have consumed this drug can be defromed; hence effective contraception is mandatory. Two forms of contraception should be use to make sure that if one method fails, the other prevents conception. The drug has large number of side effects such as dry skin, sticky skin, dermatitis, erosion of mucosa, erythema, pruritus, palmar and plantar exfoliation, inflammation of nose, nose bleed, nail fragility, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, bullous eruptions, vulvo-vaginitis, drowsiness, sweats, gingivitis, loss of hair, granulomatous lesions. Severe headache, GI upset, taste disturbances, eye disturbance (withdraw immediately and refer for neurological examination), decreased night vision. Liver toxicity, change in serum lipids. Muscle and bone pain. Psychiatric symptoms. Pancreatitis. Photosensitivity. Rigors. Cardiovascular effects. Paraesthesia, hyperesthesia. Hypervitaminosis A syndrome. Hence it should be prescribed by dermatologists with experience in the use of this drug.