How do I cure the itching in my lower eyelid?
Q: I am a 47 years old male suffering from severe itching in the lower eyelid of my right eye. The itching worsens immediately after a bath and sometimes, during the evening hours. Due to uncontrollable itching, the skin around my lower eyelid has become thick, puffy and crusted. The doctors say that it is due to some allergy and for the last one year, I have tried various medications such as Infectoflam, Spersallerg and FML drops. The condition gets better when I am on medication but recurs the moment I stop taking medicines. Isn't there any permanent cure for this problem?
A:It could be allergy to the eye drops that you are using. Many of these eye drops are combination products and one can get allergic to either medication or preservative in it. Please consult a dermatologist.
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