How can we avoid a c-section due to a breech baby?
Q: My 24 years old wife is 5 months pregnant. The ultrasonic testing of the fetus showed that the baby is in breech presentation. But the doctor told us that there is no need to worry as the baby moves inside the uterus. If this happens in the 8th month then they would need to operate my wife to take out the baby. Is there any way to avoid breech presentations in the following months, so that my wife can have a normal delivery?
A:You can try sleeping, with the foot end of the bed kept a little higher. Also get a scan done to find out what is causing the abnormal presentation, is it a fetal abnormality, placental location, a uterine abnormality or a fibroid. The more information will make it more possible to determine if the breech can turn. Also, there is really no cause for worry, as even if it has to be a section, they are very safe.
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