How can retinal tears be treated permanently?
Q: I am a 23 years old male with -5 power in my both eyes. I am using spectacles for the last 12 years. Four years back, during my regular eye check up, I was diagnosed with retinal lattice. I consulted a few doctors for this. All of them they told me that laser barrage treatment will control the retinal tears. So I underwent laser barrage in both the eyes in the same year. I was satisfied with the treatment. They asked me to come for a regular check up after every six months. Then all of a sudden, I had severe pain in my left eye. When I consulted a doctor, he told me that the retinal tears are reappearing. So, I went for some laser treatment. But again after three months of the laser treatment, I have started experiencing mild pain in the left eye. I am using Refresh Tears eye drops and also taking vitamin A tablets and Macraberin Forte tablets daily. I also work on computer. What do I need to do now?
A:As you are myopic, your retina is weak and you did well to have LASER to prevent retinal detachment but lattice degeneration or retinal tears or holes do not cause pain or discomfort in the eyes. Refresh tear drops only soothe your eyes. Similarly Vitamin A or Vitamin B tablets do not offer any benefit what so ever. Make sure your glasses correction are accurate and do not strain too much on close work or straining the eyes themselves will cause slight pain or discomfort in the eyes. Keep using refresh tear drops when ever eyes feel uncomfortable and keep getting your eyes checked preferably by a retinal specialist at least once a year.
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