How can my mother with OCD be treated?
Q: My 38 years old mother has been suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for the past three years. I do not know the root cause for the problem. She even tried committing suicide once. We have consulted a doctor and giving her adequate treatment. But we haven't seen any sort of improvement in her mental health. She just washes her hand or takes bath throughout the day without even drinking a single drop of water for days. She also refuses to take medicines. Sometimes, she starts saying some particular words again and again without any time intervals. How can my mother be treated?
A:OCD responds well to a combination of pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy / counselling. Both have an equally important role to play in achieving best results. It seems that your mother has only been put on medicines. Normally, the right kind of medicines, given in the correct quantity would bring positive results. It might be a good idea for you to seek a second opinion. There are specific techniques that are used and taught in counselling that would help the patient deal with her thoughts and compulsions thereby getting rid of the problem. Cognitive Behavioural therapy works wonderfully well in cases of OCD. I would strongly recommend this for your mother.