How can I stop drinking?
Q: I am drinking regularly for the past 3 years and if I don't drink I don't get proper sleep at night. Please suggest how I can stop drinking?
A:Alcohol does not really help you with sleep in fact, it disturbs your sleep pattern in the long run. If you are taking it for fixing your sleeping problem please stay away from it. It is your addicted brain making you find excuses to drink. I would recommend that you see your general physician and discuss your insomnia issues and find out if you are having any primary reason for the same like, sleep apnoea (if you snore), also there are other causes for not sleeping well. Along with that you need to address your addiction issues. Please ask for a medication called Disulfiram from your doctor to help you keep away from drinking. Also there are other medications (Naltrexone, etc.) Try to see a psychiatrist and go to Aicoholic Anonymous (self help groups) and do try to get therapy to find out why you are drinking and address the dynamics behind it.