How can I get rid of scars in my eye and improve vision?
Q: I am 29 years old and when I was a child, I met with an accident wherein I was hit by a sharp edged thing in the eye. My right eye was operated due to, which I have blurry vision now. Because of this I have exotropia squint in the same eye, and the same eye looks blue as compared to the other, which is dark brown in colour. Also, the place where the eye was operated is causing trouble. I feel irritation in my eye and it becomes red. I wanted to know if there is a way by which the scars in eye can be removed and my vision can be improved. I will be very grateful if you could answer my questions.
A:I understand you have post perforating injury secondary glaucoma causing corneal oedema. This has lead to the pain, and colour, and also exotropia. Vision may not be there. Most likely, treatment for glaucoma to eradicate pain and progressive bulging of eye should be done, or else it may be operated by keratoplasty. Lastly, squint surgery will be done to straighten the eye.
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