How can I control diabetic neuropathy?
Q: I am suffering from diabetes for last five years and now since last year it seems I am having diabetic neuropathy. I get severe pains/tingling sensation on my both feet and at times burning sensation. I am taking Euglim-M 2 mg plus ayurvedic medicine. It has helped me in controlling the pain. I want know is there any medicine, which has a positive effect on controlling my neuropathy - nerve problem?
A:The painful neuropathy is a very agonising complication of diabetes. Control your blood sugar, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and stop smoking and taking alcohol, if you do. Many drugs are available for this condition but none is ideal. Gabapentin, pregabalin, carbamazepine, dulexetine are a few of them and one of them can be used starting in smaller dose and gradually dose is increased; drugs like Tramadol can be added if required.
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