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eye exercises
Q: What eye exercises should I do to get a better vision since my power of specs is -2 and how much time should I watch TV?
A:There are no exercises to control eye power or decrease it, exercises are mainly for muscle weakness for convergence weakness (ie focusing for near vision ) viewing the television does not damage the eyes but causes temporary discomfort due to decreased blinking ,if you have no discomfort than there is no time limit for veiwing ,this holds true for computer use.
Why am I having persistent redness in the eyes?
Is it advisable to go for Lasik surgery?
Why do I see things smaller from my right eye than the left one?
How can my nephew’s eyesight be improved?
How can my son’s astigmatism in both the eyes be corrected?
Is it advisable to wear contact lens if I have different powers for both eyes?