Epilepsy treatment for how long?
Q: One of my friend's son had epilepsy about one and half year back. Since then, he has been kept on medicine. An EEG was taken after one year, but still the child was not absolutely normal. The other tests are normal, including MRI. After taking continous medicine for one and half years, the child is as active as before but the weight has not increased. Now the parents are worried and would like to know when the doctor will stop the medicine? And also, will there be any side effect afterwards?. Please inform whether the same can reccur in future after stopping the medicines.
A:An epileptic must take medicines for 3 years after last fit. Thus, the drugs are slowly reduced and stopped. Do not worry about side effects, what is important is that there are no fits and the child is fully active etc. The reason for giving it for 3 years after last fit is to reduce the chances of getting fits afterwards.