Does prolonged use of vitamin B and E lead to liver damage?
Q: I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver. My bilirubin level around 1 to 1.5. I used to take Vitamin B and E regularly. Will this cause any liver damage due to prolonged use?
A:Most unfortunately many people consume dietary, vitamin and mineral supplements without any need. Such supplements are to be taken only when there is proven, documented deficiency. Excessive intake of vitamin B results in its excretion in urine; the only beneficiaries are drug companies. Normal food has more than adequate quantity of B complex factors. The daily requirement of Vitamin E is in the range of 3-12 mg. Much more than this is available in normal diet, particularly in cereals, eggs, oil etc. Most commercial preparations contain 400 mg. Naturally overuse leads to side effects such as gastro-intestinal disturbances, fatigue, weakness etc. In fatty liver, alcohol is very injurious.