Does Danazol help in conceiving and treating endometriosis?
Q: My 26 years old wife has had two miscarriages in the last four years. After the second miscarriage, which happened two months back, the doctor diagnosed my wife with endometriosis. He asked my wife to take Danazol. Is my wife on the right mode of treatment? Will my wife conceive with the help of Danazol? Should we go for intra-uterine insemination (IUI)?
A:If your wife is having endometriosis and infertility, then Danazol is not going to help her conceive soon. Surgical / laparoscopic ablation of the endometriosis followed by treatment of infertility with ovulation induction - egg formation and IUI around the day of egg rupture as monitored by ultrasound. This may take up to six cycles. Danazol is effective in treating the endometriosis, but takes a long time and prevents pregnancy from occurring.
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