Home » Frequently asked Questions on Health » Does a random blood sugar level of 140-150 mg/dl indicate a pre-diabetic stage?
Does a random blood sugar level of 140-150 mg/dl indicate a pre-diabetic stage?
Q: I am 30 years old female. My blood sugar is always around 140-150 mg/dl whenever checked randomly. I otherwise feel normal and am healthy. But I want to know whether this is a pre diabetic stage? How can I prevent diabetes?
A random blood sugar of 140-150 mg/dl per se is not considered diabetes or pre-diabetes. Normal fasting blood glucose is 100 mg/dl or less and 2 hours after meals is <140 mg/dl. Pre-diabetes is considered when fasting blood glucose 100-126 mg/dl or 2 hr after meal blood glucose is 140-199 mg/dl.
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