Do ovarian cysts impact future pregnancy prospects?
Q: My 25 years old wife is having cysts in her ovary and she often experiences abdominal pain. Her latest Ultrasound report reads - Both ovaries show cysts, two simple cysts in right ovary of size 37.0 - 38.0 mm and a cyst with internal echoes of size 22.0mm hemorrhagic cyst, and a cyst with internal reticular pattern in left ovary of size 34-0 x 38.0 mm hemorrhagic cyst. The doctor has prescribed her Almocef, Anafortan, Metrogen and also asked her to have mutton during her periods but her cycle is not regular. Do cysts require surgery to be removed? We have a three years old child and also plan to have another child. Can she conceive after cyst removal surgery? IMPRESSION: Both ovaries show cysts, two simple cysts in right ovary and a cyst with internal echoes-? Hemorrhagic cyst and a cyst with internal reticular pattern in left ovary-? Hemorrhagic cyst with mild fluid in POD The doctor told her to use Almocef, Anafortan, Metrogen and meet in her period but her period is not regular. It will be cured by medicines or surgery. After surgery she conceive or not because we have a female child of 3 years. Thanks Please advice as soon as possible
A:Based on the history and the ultrasound scan report it looks like your wife has haemorrhagic ovarian cysts. These cysts develop in the ovary following ovulation (release of egg from the ovary). This is one of the normal (physiological) things to happen in menstrual / ovulatory cycles. This however, does not happen in every cycle. This is not pathological (this is not a disease). The fate of these cysts is that while they are present, they would give lower abdominal pain intermittently but eventually these cysts resolve spontaneously without any treatment (they disappear). While your wife gets pain, she may take pain-killers such paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac etc. Ovarian Cysts cannot be treated with antibiotics. I am therefore surprised that you are prescribed two different types of antibiotics! I am sure you are aware that antibiotics are given to patients who are suspected to or are suffering from infection. My advice is to stop antibiotics completely and take simple analgesics (pain-killers) to get rid of pain. These cysts have no effect on your wife's pregnancy prospects whatsoever. Feel reassured about that. I would not even advise repeating a scan but for your peace of mind you may repeat another scan to confirm that the cysts have gone in 2 months time.