Do I have food allergy?
Q: I am 35 years old male and I consulted two different gastroenterologists for my ailments. My problem is of certain food allergies, flatulence and pain in abdomen. One of the specialist said it is all because of dietary habits. Other specialist told me that it is due to food allergies. When I searched my symptoms on Internet I find unusual results. I am confused - please guide me about these problems. I am desperate to know about some medical conditions like Leaky Gut Syndrome in which toxins gets absorbed to the body. Other condition is Candida Overgrowth Syndrome in which candida fungi proliferate in digestive tract and give rise to certain allergic reactions. Please advise some treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome and Candida Overgrowth Syndrome.
A:I note that you have done some Internet search and mentioned about two syndromes as described in the Internet. I think this is a typical situation wherein the Internet can sometimes confuse the patient and increase their worry. Our intestine has a very well developed absorptive surface, which is capable of absorbing the necessary nutrients. The toxins are not absorbed by the gut in a healthy individual only in situations of some enteric infections; some toxins may get absorbed and cause symptoms. Also, fungal infection of the gut only occurs in those who are immunosuppressed due to some diseases. Fungal infection of the gut such as candida infection would not occur in otherwise healthy individuals. I am not aware whether candida infection of gut causes allergic reactions as you have mentioned. I do not think that you should worry about these causes as the reason for your symptoms. If needed, your gastroenterologist can perform some tests including blood tests, ultrasound abdomen, endoscopy, etc. to find out the exact diagnosis.