Do HMG injections taken for infertility treatment have any side effects?
Q: We have been married since the last two and a half years but my wife has yet not conceived. My wife has polycystic ovaries and my semen count is low. The doctor suggested that she go in for ICI (not IVF) and before that she had to take Dostinex and some HMG injections. Please tell me what these injections are and whether they have any side effects? Can she avoid them? My wife is 30 years old and overweight. I am 31, overweight and have thrombosis. My platelet count is low and fluctuates. I am on Imuran 100 mg for over two months and check my platelet counts every month under the guidance of a haematologist.
A:It is extremely difficult to determine with any accuracy the reasons of failure to conceive: problem in female or male or even both since in one way or the other there is some abnormality in both. Dostinex is the brand name of a medicine called cabergoline. This drug along with/without Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) is used in well selected cases of female infertility. Like all other medicines, they do have side effects but one has to see benefit v/s risk ratio. Your doctor is the best judge. You can always seek second opinion. Imuran is the brand name of a drug called azathioprine. It is given in auto-immune disorders. Unfortunately one of its adverse effect is myelosuppression that leads to low platelet count. This can result in bleeding; so one should keep a close watch on it by periodic blood tests.