diabetic patient
Q: I (age 39) am diabetic patient since last 5 6yrs. and taking these dose:daonil(before food) 5mg 2 morning, 2 nightglucophaze(after food) 850mg 1 morning, 1 afternoon, 1 nightafter taking the above drugs my random blood sugar is: 250 i am taking full diet control. Please advice me which drug is suitable for me (any new).And kindly tell me that if insulin in inhaler or powder form are available or not. If not then when it will be available in the market and if yes then where I can get.
A:A single random value of blood glucose you have mentioned is high, but that does not give much information about your overall control. You need to get a test called glycosylated Hb (HbA1c) done to tell about your average BG overthe past 2-3 months. In addition, you need to get BG tested AT LEAST every2-4 weeks, AT LEAST fasting and PP, before coming to any conclusion aboutadjusting your doses. You also need to make sure you are taking a balanced nutritious diet, in which the fat intake is not high (ie keep cooking fat moderate, take low fat milk, avoid fried snacks), and there is plenty of fiber, and exercisingregularly for 30-40 minutes per day. If you have not been exercisingbefore, start with gentle walking and slowly build up the briskness andtime, and add upper body exercises also. Do not smoke or take too muchalcohol. Insulin inhaler/ powder is not available commercially anywhere in the world at the moment.
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