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Cataract in eyes
Q: My baby is now 9 month old. She is rubella positive by birth with a3mm PDA. She has developed cateract in both her eyes. she has also developed severe pulmonary hypertension. her birth weight is 1.15 kg which is currently 3.7 kg.her head is not fixed. what can be done to cure this?HOW CAN WE HELP HER TO GAIN WEIGHT FASTER?(HER FOOD INTAKE IS SATISFACTORY)
A:It is difficult for a baby with these problems to rapidly gain weight. Ifthe food intake is satisfactory you can increase the caloric intake byadding sugar or oil/butter/ghee to her food, wherever possible.Has she had a complete cardiac evaluation? If not, with a PDA and pulmonaryhypertension, I would strongly recommend this be done.
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