Can recurrent attacks of epididymitis cause infertility?
Q: I am a 34 years old man who had pain and swelling in the right testes 5 years ago. I took Benocide Forte 100 mg for 45 days in two breaks of a week each. It got cured and I was normal. But it has recurred 3-4 times in the past and as I am travelling a lot and since there was only pain with no swelling, I didn't give much attention to it. Now I am in a foreign country and facing the same problem again. I did a blood test, which was normal; a urine test in which a few white and red blood cells were found, and ultrasound located some accumulation of fluid called hydrocoele. The urologist prescribed Tarivid 400 mg twice a day for 14 days and said it is a kind of epididymitis. The quantity of my semen has also been found to be low. I have completed the medicine course but I am still feeling a kind of sensation. Will this cause infertility?
A:In your earlier examinations you had been diagnosed as having epididymitis of probably filarial origin for which you were given Benocide course. Recurrent attacks of epididymitis with fluid collection around testis, called hydrocoele, with urinary findings of pyuria and blood cells may indicate associated urethral or bladder disease with infection. It seems that this infection keeps travelling back to testis and epididymis via the connecting duct to cause recurrence. Recurrent infections of the kind may indeed affect your semen quality and cause fertility problems. You must see an urologist for further advice.