Q: My 13 years old daughter is using glasses. Her right eye's power is -1.50 and left eye is -0.50. Can her eyesight improve? Why is there a difference in the vision in both her eyes?
A:No, her eyesight will not improve, but with glasses this should be normal now. The difference between the two eyes is not significant. What ever you do, her lens power will increase with her growing age and should stabilise around 18 years of age. She can see distant objects reasonably well without glasses with her left eye and near one's with her right eye. Wearing the glasses does not improve the eyes, it only improves the sight and also not wearing them will not make it worse either. However, as she does not see properly without glasses, it will give her headaches if she does prolonged use of her eyes specially for reading, TV, computers, etc. Her eyes are not defective, just the size is bigger than normal; this may even look more beautiful.
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