Can my brother regain his eye vision?
Q: My 50 years old brother is experiencing eye problems. For the past five years, outer part of cornea of his left eye becomes reddish, which results in decrease in visibility. We consulted a doctor who prescribed medicines - Acivir, Lotefred and refresh tears. Now again his left eye becomes reddish outside cornea and his cornea become whitish in colour. After consulting the doctor again, the doctor told us that my brother’s eye has injuries, which have spread to cornea. Germs are also formed due to injuries in the eye. The treatment has already been started to remove the germs found in the eye. Can my brother regain his eye vision after treatment?
A:It appears that your brother may be suffering from stromal keratitis, secondary to Herpetic eye infection, which is now causing opacification of the cornea. He will need to consult an ophthalmologist with a special interest in cornea who will advise the correct treatment and also evaluate him for the need of corneal transplant surgery if needed.
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