Can low haemoglobin cause hearing loss?
Q: I am a 37 years old woman having sensory neural hearing loss (SNHL), which was diagnosed 6 months back but I have been having difficulties for several years now. I have had an MRI and it was normal. I had a complete placental abruption, which caused disseminated intravascular coagulation 5 years ago. At the lowest point, my blood pressure was 55/35 mm/Hg and haemoglobin was 4. I do not know how long this lasted for before it was corrected. I was wondering whether or not low levels of haemoglobin during this episode could possibly have caused hearing loss. Are there any documented cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation causing hearing loss?
A:Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) by itself causes SNHL, at least I am not aware of this relationship but the conditions in, which DIC occurs definitely can cause vestibular insufficiency leading to giddiness and deafness. Less of oxygen called hypoxia is also one of the commonest causes of SNHL. You can search on for 'DIC and hearing loss' or 'hypoxia and hearing loss'. But my advice would be to refrain from reading too much as it would confuse you more and more. You have to just relax.