Can I take Arginitric during my 4th month of pregnancy?
Q: I am a 27 years old female and have just entered into my 4th month of pregnancy. My doctor has prescribed me to take two Arginitric tablets daily. What are the uses of this drug and is it essential for me?
A:Arginitric is the brand name. It contains l-arginine which is a non-essential aminoacid, i.e. it can be produced by the human body, and hence does not need to be obtained either through the diet or supplements. Arginine is found in a wide variety of foods and hence there is no need to take it in the form of supplements. Some commercial concerns have been making unverified claims about its benefits but it has no scientifically proven role in pregnancy. No supplements or medicines should be consumed during pregnancy unless absolutely essential such as folic acid or iron.