Can I conceive naturally?
Q: I am 27 years old female suffering from irregular periods. I consulted a doctor who advised Ovofar (100mg) from the 2nd day to 6th day of the periods. It has been five months since I am taking Ovofar. The periods were regular for three months, but it has been delayed for 10 days this month. My uterus is normal according to tests of endrometrial tissue and X-ray report but still I am not getting pregnant. My husband’s semen analysis is normal. The doctor has suggested us to get the semen into my ovary through a syringe. We are planning to have a baby for the last two years. Can I conceive naturally?
A:You need to get this right step by step – first the tests to find cause of irregular menses have to be found and treated. Then the semen tests to make sure there is no infection needs to be done. The most common cause of irregular cycles is no egg formation and this can be done through medicines- eggs can be formed, checked out with ultrasound done serially after the 9th day of menses, and coitus can be timed with the egg rupture to maximize chance of pregnancy. This can be tried under supervision and follow up for 6 months with success rates are as high as 85%.
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