Can I conceive despite having seizures?
Q: I am a 26 years old woman who had a seizure 5 months back. I am taking medicines for the same – Oxetol 150 g twice a day, Flovite, Nextito 10 g and Lapose 2 g daily. Now my husband and I are interested in having a baby. Will these medicines affect my baby if I get pregnant? Please advise.
A:It is not very common for patients to develop epilepsy at your age. Most cases start at much younger age. You have not given any history of seizures in the past. Once started, anti-epileptic drugs need to be taken for years (at least three years, if not more). Hence, I would suggest that you consult a good neurologist for a firm diagnosis. Otherwise, if your only problem is convulsions (seizure or epilepsy) only, then why is Nexito (escitalopram) being administered to you? Nexito is indicated in psychiatric (mental) disorders such as Panic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) etc. Moreover it is not the first option even in such confirmed cases of mental disease. Nexito is contraindicated (not permitted) during pregnancy. It has a very large number of side effects including tendency to commit suicide, cardiac failure, diabetes etc. With regard to Oxetol (oxcarbazepine), it increases the risk of neural tube defects in the baby if taken during pregnancy. While there is varying degree of risks with most anti-epileptics, primidone and barbiturates are relatively less problematic. Flovite (folic acid) is fine.