Are these vaccines safe during pregnancy?
Q: I am 25 years old and 7 months pregnant. I am working for a vaccine company. We are into human vaccines and I am in the R&D department. As a protective measure all of us are given vaccines like Hepatitis A, Salmonella typhi, Hib (Hemophilius influenzae b) etc. My doctor suggested me not to take any vaccines during pregnancy. I had a scan after 5 months and the doctor says that everything is fine and there is nothing to worry. I am still working in my lab. I am exposed (if not directly) indirectly to all these antigens. Will the baby inside me have any problems because of this? Are there any tests that I can undergo to know that my baby is fine? I am very tense and worried about my baby. If not now, will the baby in future have any health problems? Please help.
A:Please note that what your doctor said regarding not taking these vaccines during pregnancy is correct. Most importantly, the director of the R&D lab where you are currently working would know the risks involved (if any) of posting a pregnant woman in such a lab. I am sure your immediate superior and boss are aware that you are pregnant. Every lab has strict guidelines laid down as far as professional hazards are concerned so that the employees are not exposed to these risks. Best is for you to discuss these matters with the director of your lab immediately. It is difficult for me to comment upon the safety aspect as I have no idea of the working of your lab.
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