Are there any special schools for my niece?
Q: I have a niece who has a problem since birth. Now she is close to 7 years. She cannot talk and utters only some words. She cannot take food on her own. The good thing is that she remembers and recognises things and understands whatever we say. What are the best schools or institutions in India which can test her IQ level and guide her better? Please also tell me the best school for speech therapy.
A:Since you have not mentioned the city in which your niece lives, I am not able to suggest a school. There are many good schools, but the child should live with her parents and attend a school nearby. The metropolitan cities (Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai) have many institutions with facilities for children with special needs. It is best to consult a specialist about what can be done to help the child to develop her potential.