Are my TORCH test results normal?
Q: I am 26 years old female. I had a spontaneous abortion a year back and later DNC was done. Since then I am having regular periods but the flow have reduced. Will this affect my chances of conception? Since I am planning for baby, I had TORCH panel tests done, which showed high toxoplasmosis IgG, high Rubella IgG, borderline IgM and high cytomegalovirus IgG values. Are these results normal?I am currently on a three-month antibiotics course. Will this help me conceiving? Will the pregnancy be normal and can there be any side effects of the treatment?
A:If you do not conceive within another three months of trying, you need to undergo hysteroscopy to rule out intra-uterine synechiae that can result in less menstrual flow, and can affect conception chances, and if you conceive, can lead to abortion. Regarding the tests, I am only worried about the borderline IgM Rubella- hope tests were from a good lab. Please repeat it to see the result and if IgM is now negative with a high IgG it means you had rubella infection and are now immunized against it. I do not understand what antibiotics are being prescribed for 3 months? If it is against Toxoplasmosis, I wonder why? I say so because IgG indicates past infection, and it usually does not affect conception.
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