Am I suffering from any serious eye disease?
Q: I am 28 years old and working as a software engineer. I was getting floaters in my right eye since long but they were small in number and suddenly one day lots of blood came to my right eye and my vision was gone by 60%. I rushed to eye hospital where a diagnosis was made of a vitreous haemorrhage with proliferative retinopathy. One laser was performed at that time and then the second laser after 1 month when some blood appeared again. After second laser I could see the objects little tilted but could not see clearly, feels like thin clouds in front of my eye. I had undergone 4-5 lasers until now, but my right eye is not fine yet. There are black floaters (blood) in front of eye and also I can see double images. The images from my right eye appear slightly tilted and not so clear. I can see some amount of distortion from my right eye after the second laser performed, also I feel as if I am looking from some cloudy hazy media. Please suggest what should I do? Can I regain my vision completely? The only problem I have is Sinus problem, due to which there is some amount of cold through out the year. I don't have BP or diabetes. Please tell me know what can be the cause for it? If the decease is curable? I live in Pune; where is the proper treatment for this available in India?
A:On going through your query, it appears that you had developed a condition called Eales Disease which is a condition affecting young males and usually one eye only. This is an inflammatory condition which affects the blood vessels of the retina and leads to bleeding into the eye called vitreous haemorrhage. The exact cause of this condition is not known yet, though it does resolve on its own after some time. The accepted treatment for this condition is Laser to prevent more bleeding. The changes which occur in the retina sometimes affect the central retina causing distortion of vision and rarely doubling of images. You are in good hands with Dr. Natarajan of Mumbai. I would also suggest you could show Dr. Bhushan Khare of Khares Eye Research Centre, Pune, who is a retina specialist, for further follow up in Pune itself.
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