Am I infertile?
Q: I am a 31 years old married male. We are trying for a child for the last two years but have been unsuccessful. Recently, I underwent semen analysis, which showed motility count - 120, active motile - 15, sluggish - 5, non-motile - 5, dead - 45, epithelial cells - Nil, dysplastic cells - Nil, Pus cells - 2-6 and PH is 8.0. What does my semen test suggest? Am I infertile?
A:A wide range of semen parameters are compatible with normal fertility. A single value indicating poor parameters should be repeated before accepting it is abnormal. All your parameters are close to normal except presence of pus cells indicating possible presence of inflammation. It is not possible to advise a treatment without physical examination and other relevant findings.
Am i infertile or there is some problem with my sperm?
I want to have a baby but i am having some problem with my sperms.
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