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Nutrients rich food

  • Nutrients rich food


    Calcium Content (mg)
    Cheese 790
    Paneer 480
    Milk 210
    Curds 149

    *All the values mentioned are per 100g of edible portion 

    * Although the calcium content of foods like cereals and leafy vegetables is very high, it is not available to the body as they contain certain compounds such as phytates and oxalates. These compounds combine with calcium in the food products resulting in an unavailable form of calcium.

  • Nutrients rich food


    Food product Iron Content (mg)
    Lotus stem, dry 60.6
    Rice flakes 20.0
    Sarson ka saag 16.3
    Soyabean 10.4
    Moth dal 9.5
    Chana, roasted 8.6
    Lobia 8.0
    Bajra 7.9
    Water melon 7.7
    Pista 5.81
    Cashewnut 5.09
    Almond 4.31
    Sharifa 4.1

  • Nutrients rich food


    Minerals RDA per day Rich food sources Important body functions
    Calcium   400 mg Milk and milk products such as cheese, curds, paneer
    *calcium content of foods like cereals and leafy vegetables is very high, but is in an unavailable form to the body as they contain certain compounds such as phytates and oxalates
    Growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body; formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth; blood coagulation, transmission of nerve impulses, normal heart beat, stimulation of hormone secretion, activation of enzyme reactions and contraction-relaxation of muscles
    Chromium   65 mcg Cheese, whole grains, wheat germ, potatoes, mushrooms, liver, meat and poultry Metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; regulates the amount of glucose in the blood; needed for insulin to work properly
    Copper 2.2 mg Legumes (dried beans), nuts, whole grains, and potatoes, shellfish, and organ meats Formation of red blood cells; helps keep bones, blood vessels, nerves and the immune system healthy; aids in the function of enzymes
    Fluoride - - Helps in the formation of bones and teeth; may help prevent osteoporosis
    Iodine - Iodised salt, seafood and crops grown in iodine rich soil Development and functioning of the thyroid gland; helps burn excess fat by stimulating the rate of metabolism
    Iron 30 mg Whole grains: wheat, millet, oats; Pulses: soybeans, dried beans and peas, kidney beans; Vegetables: broccoli, spinach and other leafy vegetables; Dried fruits: almonds, prunes, raisins, and apricots Combines with protein and copper to form haemoglobin which transports oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues; necessary for the formation of myoglobin which supplies oxygen to muscle cells; prevents fatigue and promotes good skin tone
    Magnesium - Dark green leafy vegetables, milk, nuts, legumes (dried beans), bananas, wheat bran, whole grains and meat Vital to many basic metabolic functions; aids in bone growth and the function of nerves, bones and muscles; required for regulation of normal heart rhythm; aids in regulation of blood pressure and water balance in cells
    Manganese 5.5 mg Whole grains, nuts, legumes (dried beans), vegetables, fruit, instant coffee, tea, and cocoa powder Vital to reproduction; necessary in energy metabolism; aids in blood, cartilage and bone formation
    Molybdenum 500 mcg Milk, whole grains, legumes (dried beans), dark green leafy vegetables and liver Activates certain enzymes in the body; necessary in energy metabolism; aids in blood, cartilage and bone formation
    Phosphorus 400 mg Fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, peas, legumes (dried beans) and nuts Required for formation of healthy bones and teeth; necessary for energy metabolism
    Potassium - Fruits, vegetables, milk, meat and poultry Vital for muscle contraction and nerve impulses; helps with proper function of heart and kidneys; aids in regulation of blood pressure and water balance in cells
    Selenium - Fish, shellfish, red meat, grains (depending on soil content), eggs, garlic and liver Helps proper functioning of the heart; needed for proper immune function
    Sodium - Table salt, soya sauce, monosodium glutamate, cheese, smoked and cured meats, processed and canned foods Helps regulate blood pressure and water balance in cells; aids in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission
    Zinc 15.5 mg Milk, whole grains, meat, liver, shell fish and wheat germ Protein synthesis; wound healing; development of the reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity; contractility of muscles; normal tissue function; aids in the digestion and metabolism of phosphorus

  • Nutrients rich food


    Food product    Content (g)
    Soyabean 43.2
    Ground nut 25.3
    Cheese 24.1
    Pulses (dals) 23.3
    Paneer 18.3
    Meat 18.0
    Fish 18.0
    Wheat flour 12.1
    Maize, dry 11.1
    Egg, hen 7.0
    Milk, buffalo's 4.3
    Milk, cow's 3.2
    Curds 3.1

    *All the values mentioned are per 100 grams of edible portion

  • Nutrients rich food


    Vitamins RDA per day Rich food sources Important body functions
    A  Retinol 600 or B-Carotene 2400 mcg Carrots, spinach, milk, cheese, peaches, eggs, melon, apricot Maintains eyes, skin, mucous membrane; prevents night blindness; promotes normal growth of bones
    B1 (Thiamine) 1.2–1.6 mg Breads, cereals, legumes, leafy vegetables, nuts Aids in transmission of nerve impulses and chemical reactions in the body which provide energy
    Niacin 16-21 mg Grains, breads, nuts, vegetables Helps convert food into energy

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