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Pet Therapy: 7 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Pet

Pet therapy has a wide variety of mental and physical health benefits to offer, and this is in fact backed by science. Looking for a reason to keep a pet? We'll give you 7 good reasons to bring a furry playmate home!

In a world where stress is more common than smiles, every person must have a pet

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After a long and stressful day at work, when you are relaxing on your couch, the one thing that could lighten your mind is a dog wagging his tail in front of you, signaling you to come and play. Pets are love! In a world where stress is more common than smiles, every person must have a pet. A dog, a cat or even a hamster, they all have lots of love and compassion to offer. They are a huge responsibility, undoubtedly; nevertheless they have the ability to bring a smile on your face even after on highly stressful and saddening days. They are a source of comfort, compassion and motivation; pets indeed are therapy. Pet therapy has a wide variety of mental and physical health benefits to offer, and this is in fact backed by science.

Looking for a reason to keep a pet? We'll give you 7 good reasons to bring a furry playmate home! Keep reading...

1. Pets reduce stress

Pets have a calming effect on the owner. This is one of the most important benefits of keeping a pet. They make you smile, engage you in games and in no time, your mind shifts from the stress-causing factors. Just by stroking, sitting next to them and playing with them, you can beat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Pet therapy is one of the best therapies for depression patients.

Pets have a calming effect on the owner
Photo Credit: iStock

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2. They keep you active

When you are relaxing on your couch, it is quite likely that your pet will come to you with the intent of playing. Your pet won't see through how exhausted you are; it will still insist on playing with you. This particularly happens if you own a dog. Dogs are enthusiastic and they wouldn't let you lounge around for too long. They will pull you out to go for a walk or to play catch ball. This way, pet therapy helps you become more active.

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3. Benefits for autistic children

Pets are the best playmates for your kids. Dogs and horses are claimed to be helpful for stereotypical behaviors in adults and kids. Autistic children and adults have a tendency to socialize less. Pet therapy helps them socialize more, thereby reducing autism symptoms. Some kids also find relief in working with animals.

Pets are the best playmates for your kids
Photo Credit: iStock

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4. They make you smile and increase life expectancy

Let's admit it, no matter how stressed we are, one look of our pet is good enough to bring a smile on the face. Pet therapy is so effective that you don't need to force a smile; it is more of a reflex. And when they do something funny, it makes you laugh. This releases the happy hormones in your body and over time, it boosts your life expectancy.

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5. They help you build a healthy routine

"Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise." True indeed! Pet owners are used to waking up early, going out on a walk with the pet, and following this healthy routine helps them go to bed in time. In the initial few days, pets may make things tough for you, like waking you early in the morning and pulling you out for a walk when you're exhausted. But eventually, you become comfortable with the healthy routine.

Pets help you build a healthy routine
Photo Credit: iStock

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6. Increased confidence

Research shows that people who have a pet have higher self-esteem as compared to those who do not have a pet. Pet therapy indeed has a positive effect on mental health!

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7. Beneficial for heart health

By making you more active, pet therapy indirectly benefits your heart health as well. Research shows that those who own pets are at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as compared to those who do not have pets. They help you reduce stress and engage you in physical activities as well, thereby eliminating important risk factors of heart disease.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

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