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Eating Yogurt As An Appetizer Can Reduce Inflammation; 6 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods For Your Body

The study finds that eating yogurt as an appetizer can help you reduce inflammation. Inflammation is linked to bowel diseases, asthma, cardiometabolic diseases and arthritis. Have you tried these anti-inflammatory foods yet?

Yogurt reduces inflammation by enhancing the integrity of the intestinal lining

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Can starting a meal with a small serving of yogurt reduce the chances of inflammation in the long term? A new study suggests it can. Experts also believe that yogurt, as an appetizer; can be very helpful in protecting us from the harmful by-products of the gut bacteria. The study finds that eating yogurt as an appetizer can help you reduce inflammation. Inflammation is linked to bowel diseases, asthma, cardiometabolic diseases and arthritis. Yogurt reduces inflammation by enhancing the integrity of the intestinal lining, thereby preventing the pro-inflammatory molecules from entering the blood stream. Experts say that eating eight ounces of yogurt before meals can be effective in achieving this goal and improving post-meal metabolism.

Inflammation is never sighted in a good way. It is seen as a stepping stone to major diseases like Alzheimer's eczema, asthma and arthritis. However, inflammation in a way is not a bad thing. It is the body's way of protecting itself; it is the first line of defense created by the body's immune system. It becomes a problem for the body when it extends beyond a certain period of time. This is when the body starts attacking itself. While there are a number of medical solutions for this, it is better to opt for the non-medical options, that is, nutrition.

Also read: Osteoarthritis: 7 Best Foods

Here's a list of the top 6 anti-inflammatory foods you need to include in your diet now.

1. Quinoa

C-reactive protein is an important marker of inflammation. Doctors check C-reactive protein levels to see if your body is going through inflammation or not. One of the best ways to lower this is to consume high-fiber foods. Most of us fail to get enough fiber; not even half of what we need. So it is best to include some levels of fiber in every meal. Quinoa is one of the richest sources of fiber with 5 grams of fiber in just one cup. It is also a very rich source of protein. So nutrition-wise, quinoa consumption is a win-win situation for you.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Fiber and protein in quinoa helps you fight inflammation
Photo Credit: iStockquinoa

Also read: 7 Foods With The Highest Iron Content Ever

2. Berries

Tiny berries are one of the best sources of vitamin C and antioxidants. And it doesn't end here, they are a rich of other vital minerals and nutrients as well. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of these berries helps your body produce natural killer cells which help your immune system work properly. A study showed that obese people who consumed a cup full of strawberries had lower levels of inflammation marker linked with heart disease.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Blueberries are rich in antioxidants
Also read: 13 Foods To Lower HbA1c Levels In Diabetics

3. Broccoli

One of the healthiest cruciferous vegetables ever is broccoli. Magnesium, potassium, vitamins and antioxidants, this vegetable offers all the vital mineral and nutrients required by your body. Research shows that eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables is linked to a lower risk of heart and other inflammation-linked diseases. These anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to broccoli's antioxidants. Sulforaphane is the most powerful antioxidant in this cruciferous vegetable.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Sulforaphane is the most powerful antioxidant in broccoli
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Green tea

Green tea is known as the healthiest beverage in the world and for a good reason. Catechins in this drink enhance your metabolism and its antioxidant properties protect you against serious diseases. It reduces the risk of heart diseases, cancer, Alzheimer's and obesity. Most of the health benefits of this drink are attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks in the wordl
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: 8 Best Foods To Lower Your Risk Of Getting A Heart Attack

5. Mushrooms

Certain fungi produce fleshy structures known as mushrooms. There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms but most of them are not sold commercially. Only a few are edible and grown commercially. Mushrooms are rich in fiber, vitamin B, selenium, copper and are low in calories as well. Lectins and phenols in mushrooms are responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties. Lion mane's mushrooms reduce the low-grade inflammation linked to obesity. However, a study revealed that cooking mushrooms reduces their anti-inflammatory properties. So it is recommended to either have them raw or lightly cooked.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Raw mushrooms are rich in anti-inflammatory properties
Also read: 6 Best Foods To Save Your Pancreas From Any Damage

6. Cherries

Cherries are both delicious and healthy. They are rich in catechins and anthocyanin, both help with inflammation. Although tart cherries have been discussed more for their health benefits, sweet cherries are no less healthy. Both these varieties are rich in antioxidants and reduce inflammation, thereby cutting the risk of serious health conditions.

Anti-inflammatory foods: Cherries are rich in anti-inflammatory properties

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 

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