Will hepatitis C interfere with the stents in the arteries?
Q: My son had angioplasty in two arteries. They put one stent in the right artery and two in the left. Since he had Hepatitis C, they ruled out open heart surgery. What are his chances since his liver (with Hepatitis C) does not function well? He was on the interferon, which seemed to do fairly well. His enzymes are in the 30,00 range. He is 54 years old. How serious is this?
A:You have not mentioned whether the stent used were drug eluting stents or bare metal stents. If they were the medicated (Drug Eluting Stents) then the re blockage rate is roughly is 9% with each stent and if it is bare metal stent then the blockage rate could vary from anything between 20-40%. Hepatitis C does not interfere with the stent function and therefore the chances of stents functioning well are independent of the state of the hepatic enzymes. We do not have any further details about the associated problems with your son and therefore it is not possible for us to comment with any degree of accuracy on how will your son will do but I presume if I were to give a rule of thumb, he has a very high chance that he shall do well from his cardiac view point and if interferon therapy has worked for his liver then I suppose he should get a satisfactory results there too. I am sorry, I can not any more definitive then that and I wish your son all the very best of luck and health future. If he have access to more detailed medical report then we may be able to give a more incisive answer.