Why is my wife unable to breast-feed?
Q: My wife had a normal delivery and now the baby is 24 days old but my wife is unable to feed the baby by her breast. The milk is not coming from her breasts. The doctor had done her delivery by giving her artificial pain and the delivery was normal. First four days we were thinking that sometimes the milk comes late but now 24 days have passed. Please advise us what we should do? Is there any serious problem, what is the solution of the problem?
A:Your wife should be lactating and producing some amount of milk at least. If she is breastfeeding regularly there is no reason why the amount should not increase as needed. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes it helps to drink plenty of liquids. Ask your gynaecologist to prescribe some preparation that might help improve lactation. Despite all this if there is no improvement, then there is very little that one can do.