Why is my sperm count low?
Q: I am a 29 years old male with an undescended left testis, which has lead to infertility. My sperm count is 6 million/ml. How can it be increased?
A:One can be normally fertile even with a single testis. Having a low sperm count with one of the testis in place means that the normally placed testis has some problem which needs to be investigated. An undescended testis loses the potential to form sperms after first couple of years of life, and bringing it down with surgical intervention at this age will not benefit you in terms of improvement in your semen quality. Undescended testis however carries a risk of malignancy, and should be brought down, or removed, to exclude that risk. You should see a Urologist to investigate you for various associations with low sperm count, like infections or varicocele.