Why have I lost sensation on my penis after circumcision?
Q: I am 22 years old and underwent circumcision 6 years ago, as I had a tight foreskin. Of late I found that the head of the penis has lost the sensitiveness. Recently, I had sex with a girl but couldn't make out whether I was inside her or not. I don't feel anything on the penis head. I masturbate regularly. I came across many surgical and non-surgical methods of restoring the foreskin. Is it possible? Where can I avail these treatments?
A:Following circumcision, it is expected that the sensations of the glans are blunted but it is for good and circumcised individuals have less chances of premature ejaculation. There are no chances of the sensations completely disappearing or sexual pleasure diminishing following circumcision. If you are uncomfortable with your symptoms, kindly consult your urologist.