Why has my son started disliking school?
Q: My son is 5 years old and studying in upper KG. He has recently developed a problem. He does not go to school regularly. In earlier classes, he was very fond of school. But now he doesn't want to do so. If we force him, he enjoys in school. It's becoming a big issue everyday in the morning. We have to force him to go to school. He appears to be a quick learner in class when he attends them. There have been little changes after he was promoted to UKG, which include - increase in the school time and the necessity to take lunch in school. How should we tackle this situation?
A:You have already located the source of the problem: longer hours and having to eat a school lunch. Six hours is a long stretch of time, but many 5 year olds manage to attend school for so many hours. I think it's the change from the earlier timing that is bothering him. He will just have to get used to it. Children will have to learn to eat with others and also to eat food that may not be to their taste. You can talk to him and try and convince him to like what he has to do. Also make sure that he gets enough sleep, about 11 - 12 hours at least. If he is missing nap-time by staying in school till 3.00 p.m., he must go to bed early to make up. Perhaps you could check that he is eating nutritious food, made with low spicing and child-friendly.